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* Ausstellung künstlerischer Arbeiten und Installationen
* Workshops in Kooperation mit dem Ludwig Museum Köln
* Traditionelle ukrainische Küche
* Fotozone
* Kinderprogramm

Ensemle "Ukraine an der Lahn"
Festival 3Tage Marburg
Benefizkonzert zu Gunsten des Deutsch-Ukrainischen Vereins "Oboz Plus"
Freilichtbühne Schloß Marburg
"When the War Began"
Exhibition, Kultureck Kallmünz
25./26. February and 4./5. March 2023
Old Town Hall, Kallmünz, from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m
The vernissage took place on February 24th at 7:00 p.m. and was accompanied by music from Denys Razuvaiev, a 4th grade student at the J.-B.-Laßleben School in Kallmünz.
For more information see here.
Kallmünz, art show night July 09, 2022
As part of the Kunstschaunacht, an exhibition took place in Kallmünz on July 9, 2022, at which the posters were presented.

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